Save a Topic MapYou can save a topic map, either one you have created or one you have modified. You can save it the JTMA'a native javascript format or in the ISO-standard XTM format. Usually you should save in javascript format so you can load the map again later. Save in JTMA (javascript) FormatIn the left-hand panel, in the division labeled "Save", click on the link labeled "Javascript". A new window will open, with the javascript code for the map showing. It may not appear to wrap correctly into lines, but that is just an artifact of the way the browser tries to display the code. To view or save the file, select "View Source" or "View Page Source" from the browser's menu. From there you can either view or save the code. by copying it and pasting it into a file in any text editor. Save in XTM FormatFollow the instructions above, but click on the "XTM" link instead. The code will look run-together and without visible markup, but that is just an artifact of the way the browser tries to display the markup. To view or save the file, select "View Source" or "View Page Source" from the browser's menu, just as for the javascript version (above). From there you can either view or save the code. |